Welcome to EqualChances.org!

Equalchances.org is an integrated project that builds on two parallel research efforts. The Equal-Chances project, coordinated by the Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Bari, that produced estimates of inequality of opportunity and intergenerational mobility for a large number of countries; the World Bank’s Fair Progress research project that focused on intergenerational transmission of education and produced all the estimates contained in the Global Database for Intergenerational Mobility.

By combining these two efforts, Equalchances.org is born as the most comprehensive source of comparable measures of intergenerational transmission of advantage worldwide.

This beta version of the website contains:

    •    measures of inequality of opportunity for 47 countries based on 124 surveys

    •    measures of income mobility across generations for 26 countries based on 52 surveys

    •     measures of the intergenerational transmission of status for 41 countries based on 288 surveys

    •    measures of educational mobility across generations for 148 countries based on 152 surveys

This choice of indicators arises from three related but distinct literatures: (i) the public or welfare economics literature on equality of opportunity; (ii) the labour economics literature on the intergenerational transmission of income; and (iii) the sociological literature on social mobility and stratification. A complete list of the measures is available here.

This online portal includes a range of data visualization tools and can help highlight patterns of association with various institutional and policy variables.

The section advanced material contains all the measures produced by the Development Research Group and the Poverty and Equity Global Practice of the World Bank for the Report titled Fair Progress? : Economic Mobility across Generations around the World

This technical note provides additional information on how each indicator has been estimated. The users may refer to the database as EqualChances.org Database and cite as: "Equalchances: The World Database on Equality of Opportunity and Social Mobility (beta version May 2018)".

Events: Workshop June 2018 - Workshop March 2018 - Conference December 14-15 2018